I’ve been thinking a lot lately about how we can live fully—how we can truly embrace this incredible journey of following Jesus and not just survive, but thrive. If you’re anything like me, the desire to live a life that's purposeful and deeply rooted in Christ is always on your heart. But sometimes, the how of it all can get a little overwhelming, right? So, let’s slow down together and explore how we can build a Christ-centered life, not just for this year, but for the years to come.

Abiding in Christ: Finding True Life in Him

At the core of living fully is relationship. It’s not about what you do or how much you accomplish. It’s about being rooted in a deep connection with Jesus. Living fully means constantly abiding in Him.

One of my favorite scriptures that speaks to living fully in Christ is John 15. Jesus is clear here: He is the vine, and we are the branches. Without Him, we can do nothing (John 15:5). But in Him, we bear fruit—much fruit (John 15:8). Now, I don't know about you, but when I read this, I can almost feel the weight lifting off my shoulders. It’s a beautiful reminder that our success in life—our ability to live out our purpose—isn’t dependent on our own strength. It’s about abiding in Him.

This is a beautiful picture of surrender, isn’t it? I used to think living a fruitful life meant hustling and striving to prove myself worthy. But in John 15, Jesus is saying, “Hey, just stay close to Me. Let My love pour into you, and the fruit will come.” It’s that simple and yet that profound.

When we’re connected to Him—when we stay close to His heart—that’s when we bear fruit. The fruit doesn’t come from us trying to do more, be more, or prove ourselves. It comes from simply being with Him. Isn’t that a freeing thought? Living fully in Christ means focusing more on the relationship we have with Him than on what we do for Him.

So, how do we build our lives around this truth? What does that connection look like in our daily lives? It’s all about relationship, intimacy with Jesus. It’s about quieting ourselves long enough to be with Him. It’s about carving out time in the midst of the chaos to just be—to pray, to listen, and to rest in His presence. It's easy to get caught up in tasks and obligations, but living fully is about prioritizing that intimacy with Jesus. When we stay close to Him, we tap into the power and peace that comes only from Him. And from that place of rest, we can truly thrive.

Romans 8: Living by the Spirit

Another beautiful part of living fully is being led by the Holy Spirit. We often think that living a Christ-centered life is all about following rules or doing things perfectly. But the reality is, it’s about walking in the Spirit.. He says, “For those who are led by the Spirit of God are the children of God” (Romans 8:14). Wow, what a powerful reminder that we are God’s children, led by His very Spirit.

There’s something incredibly empowering about knowing that we’re not doing this life alone. The Holy Spirit is with us, walking with us, teaching us, convicting us, and comforting us. It’s the presence of the Holy Spirit that allows us to live fully, because He is the one who strengthens us.

The Holy Spirit is our helper, our guide, and our comforter. It’s through the Spirit that we find the strength to live out God’s will. But the key to living fully in the Spirit is awareness. Sometimes, I forget that the Spirit is right here, ready to help me in every moment. That’s why it’s so important to stay connected—to invite the Holy Spirit into your day and trust that He is empowering you.

So how can we make space for the Spirit in our everyday lives? It’s all about being intentional. Start your day with a simple prayer, asking God to guide you. Throughout the day, listen for those whispers in your heart. Trust that He is with you, in both the mundane and the significant moments

Isaiah 43:21 – Created for Relationship and Purpose

Here’s the truth: We were created for so much more than just existing. We were created for relationship with God, and to reflect His glory in the world. We were designed to bring Him pleasure, to live in alignment with His will, and to be vessels of His love and grace. This is the foundation of living fully.—Isaiah 43:21: “The people I have formed for Myself, that they may proclaim My praise.”

This verse reveals a profound truth about our existence: We were created for God—for a relationship with Him. We weren’t just created to exist or to pursue our own desires. We were created with a dual purpose: to give God pleasure and to bring Him glory. Our lives are meant to reflect His beauty, His love, and His goodness. And when we live in alignment with this purpose, everything else falls into place.

What does it mean to give God pleasure? It's simply to be in Christ. If you're born again. you delight God because you are in Christ who is perfectly accepted and beloved, and who completely pleases God in a way our actions could never do. And bringing Him glory? It means reflecting His greatness to the world around us. Our lives are vessels of His praise, and as we live fully in relationship with Him, we are fulfilling our created purpose.

Practical Tips for Building a Christ-Centered Life

Now, let’s get into some practical ways we can build a Christ-centered life this year. These aren’t grand, unattainable goals—they’re small, intentional habits that will transform our hearts and keep us focused on Jesus:

  1. Start with the Word: John 15 and Romans 8 are both packed with life-giving truth, but we can’t live in those truths if we’re not reading the Word. Set aside some time each day—whether it’s in the morning, during lunch, or before bed—to soak in God’s Word. Even five minutes can make a big difference in your mindset and heart posture.
  2. Invite the Holy Spirit into Your Day: As I mentioned, staying in constant awareness of the Spirit is key. One of my favorite ways to do this is by having short, spontaneous conversations with God throughout the day. When you're stressed about a deadline, pray: “Holy Spirit, help me stay calm.” When you're walking down the street, whisper, “Jesus, I’m here for You.” These little reminders invite God into the ordinary and make life feel sacred.
  3. Set Intentions, Not Just Goals: I’ve found that focusing on who I want to become is far more impactful than focusing only on a list of goals. Set an intention each day to reflect Christ’s character. For example: “Today, I will choose kindness, even when it’s hard.” Or, “I will walk in peace, trusting God’s timing.” These small, intentional shifts help us live in alignment with Christ’s heart.
  4. Community is Key: If you want to grow deeper in your relationship with Jesus, don’t do it alone. Find a community that points you back to Christ—whether it’s a church group, a Bible study, or a friend who encourages you in the faith. Romans 8 reminds us that we are co-heirs with Christ, which means we’re not just in this journey by ourselves. We need each other.
  5. Curate Your Environment—Including Your Social Media: In today’s world, our environment shapes us in powerful ways, and our social media spaces are no exception. It’s so important to follow accounts, pages, and people that encourage you in your faith and remind you of Christ’s love and truth. Let your feeds be filled with inspiration, encouragement, and teachings that point you back to God. Fill your digital space with things that edify, not distract. As you curate your physical and digital environments, you’ll find your thoughts and heart being constantly renewed and refocused on what truly matters.
  6. Take Care of Your Body, Soul, and Spirit: Your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 6:19), so take good care of it. Rest, eat well, move your body, and nourish your soul with things that bring you peace and joy. A healthy body and mind are essential for living fully in Christ. And when it comes to your mind, let Philippians 4:8 guide you: “Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. By filling your mind with things that align with God’s truth, you’ll keep your thoughts centered on Him, leading to a more balanced and peaceful life.

Staying Full of Jesus All Year Long

So, how do we stay full of Jesus all year long? It’s about constantly coming back to our source of life—Jesus Himself. It’s about living in relationship with Him, walking in the Spirit, and remembering our ultimate purpose: to reflect His love and bring Him glory. It’s not about being perfect. It’s about surrendering to Him every day and trusting that He will lead us into the fullness He has for us.

Here’s to a year of living fully, with purpose, with joy, and with Jesus at the center of it all. Let’s walk this journey together, my siblings in God.

P.S. If this post inspired you, feel free to share it with someone who needs a reminder to live fully for Christ!

cover image: the rise of Athaliah

Get ready for a powerful story from the Bible!

On January 24th, come back to the blog to read THE RISE OF ATHALIAH: The Thrilling Story of Jezebel's Daughter—a tale of power, intrigue, and God's unyielding sovereignty. You won't want to miss it!


  1. Wow, you are simply an amazing writer and truly a Jesus girl. May God continue to strengthen you through it all. I love how you love Christ .

  2. I find your write ups so inspiring MA. Very few do what you do talk less of how well and committed you are when doing it. I pray this words of yours inspire nations and above all, bring them closer to Him. More grace for your joajg. Your impact through Christ is evident.


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